Report the fraud

false advertising, inaccurate medical advice, phony doctors, deceptive ads…

Shouldn’t pretending to be something you’re not be illegal? Guess what, it is! Fraud violations must be reported to be enforced, and that’s where we come in.

If fake clinics advertise abortion pills online but when you call, they don’t offer the abortion pill and don’t refer to abortion providers, that’s fraud.

If fake clinics claim that they offer abortion counseling but actually give you ANTI-ABORTION counseling, that’s fraud.



  • Does the website say they offer abortion info but, when you called, they actually offered anti-abortion info like discouraging you from getting one or lying that it causes cancer, infertility, or is a sin?

  • Does the site encourage you to call to talk through your options, but once you called, they told you they actually can’t offer all options, because they don’t refer to an abortion clinic?

  • Does the website have detailed abortion procedure information that makes it seem like they are a clinic?

  • Does the the business advertise the Abortion Reversal Pill with unproven claims of effectiveness?


That's just the combo click on your phone , prntsc button on a PC or Shift-Command-4 on a mac Get the receipts of the scam.

  • Screenshot anything on the website documenting services or claims that contradict what you actually experienced.

  • Be sure to get services and hotlines.

  • Not a licensed facility but they have photos of people in medical clothes? Screenshot it!


Tip: Use fake clinics’ own language!

  • If the website claims they offer information about the abortion pill, explain how they refused to give you information about the abortion pill, including where and how to get it.

  • If they claim they offer pregnancy counseling, write about how you didn’t get pregnancy counseling, you got anti-abortion counseling.

    See instructions below!

Reporting to the federal trade commission

The FTC protects the public from fraud, gathers data, and looks at trends. The more people who report, the more the FTC will take notice.
Note - you don’t have to be swindled out of money to report fraud!

When reporting, you'll answer a series of questions, then write a short description of your experience.

File your complaint!

  • Select “An Impersonator”

    • “A well-known / trusted business”

  • Who did they pretend to be?
    “An abortion provider” “A medical clinic” or “An unbiased medical health clinic”

    Describe what happened, honestly and accurately. Here’s an example

    What: I searched for “Get the Abortion Pill” on Google and saw an ad for Choice for Y’all. When I clicked, their website told me to call for abortion pill info. I know that Google codes the ads with “Provides abortions” or “Doesn’t Provide Abortions,” but I thought this was a helpline that would refer me to a clinic, like and Both of those websites provide accurate info about where to get an abortion - I assumed this website would too.

    The Scam: I called Choice for Y’all, asked for the abortion pill and how to order it. They suggested I come in for an ultrasound, but I live too far away. When I asked again if they would give me any information about the abortion pill, they refused to provide me any information about where or how to obtain the abortion pill and told me there is a high chance I may have a miscarriage and should just wait. That will absolutely not work for me, and it makes me really mad that I’m being tricked when I’m just trying to get healthcare. Time is very important with an abortion. Why should my time be wasted by scam artists?

    The Analysis: Their website looks legit. The colors are hot pink, just like Planned Parenthood. Everyone knows Planned Parenthood will help you with an abortion. They have ‘Choice’ in their name. Instead of getting real help with my choice, I got tricked by the look of the site, the way they wrote about the abortion pill in a positive way and the fact that the advertised under the phrase “Get the abortion pill.” They shouldn’t pretend to be a real abortion provider.

    You’ll need to share your name, phone number and email address. Feel free to use a Google Voice number and the email you use just for exposing fake clinics’ shady behavior. Good news - you can report on behalf of another person too!

Fill in what you know. It's okay to not know the name of the person you spoke to.

Click right here to file your report.

***BONUS for NEW YORK CITY: Thanks to the work of fierce advocates in NYC, you can now file a Pregnancy Services Center Complaint for fake clinics that do not disclose that they're not a medical facility right on the city's website! It's super quick and easy.

***BONUS for CALIFORNIA:  File a complaint here!